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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Review of Come Closer by Sara Gran

Brevity is the soul of wit. Shakespeare penned those words over 400 years ago and they still hold true today. One of the best examples of this is Sara Gran's Come Closer.
In 200 pages this book takes the reader from the doldrums of everyday "perfect" life into a world where sanity, spirit and self control slowly slip out of reach.
This book is a must read for anyone who loves captivating and unsettling fiction. The story Ms. Gran weaves in 200 pages would take most authors double that to achieve.
The senses and emotions she deftly handles in those few pages lesser authors would struggle and fumble with.
Her voice is crisp, clear and razor sharp. It's tone will resonate inside you for days after finishing the story.
In short, read this book. Read it now. You will not regret your choice.