Thinking about things, perhaps overanalyzing, Magus Press is dedicated to helping people see through a different lense of reality. Join the revolution.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Capitalism and Art

A band is only successful on corporate record labels when the label wants the band to be successful. There are other factors, but the majority deals with marketing. You can sell shit if you market it right.

I just watched an amazing music video. The band was talented. There was something lacking.

I thought about how fun it would to make a music video. I thought, "Hey, if I'm ever going to be able to make stuff like this then I'm going to have to let a few corporations take me up the ass." Then I reconsidered. This wasn't how I wanted to make a music video.

Imagine: picking a director, a cast that wanted to perform, actual creative control, a way to express yourself, the ability to market yourself the way that you want to be seen.

Art is dilluted by the corporate process. The bands intentions are dampened by the marketing process. They become nothing more than a mimicry of what they once were.

Do it yourself.

Need a camera? Steal one. Scam one. Borrow them.

Need microphones? Steal them. Scam them. Borrow them.

Need lights? Steal them. Scam them. Borrow them.

However, never mess with independent businesses. They are the real foundation of our liberty and communities. (Theft and scamming should be a political action. Never do it out of greed.)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Alien Alibis

I am used to hearing the line, "God told me to." That line is as old as the first holy book. I am beginning to get used to people saying that aliens told them to as well. That's why I like it when people are creative and add a little bit of spice to their stories.

Scott Krause's excuse for killing a UPS driver (after stealing a car and performing several other illegal acts) claims that he was escaping flesh-eating subterranean beings. I wish that they had him sit down with a sketch artist so that I could see pictures of these little monsters. Maybe I've seen them before. Maybe I know them. If so, I don't want to invite them to my next house party.

Needless to sat, Krause is putting in the insanity plea. Why? It was the alien's fault. If they hadn't been chasing him...they're at least slightly culpable for the actions that took place. If Mr. Krause cannot find justice in the criminal courts, then I suggest that he look for justice in the civil courts.

Sue those subterranean sons of bitches!

PASA (People Against Subterranean Aliens) are looking into this case seriously. If the reports are correct then they may finally have a lead on where to track them down.

"We have been looking for an entrace into their caverns for some time now," says PASA founder, Mike Hardon. "It appears that it may be in California somewhere. Probably hidden beneath the ocean. Maybe in a theme park. If not we're thinking Oregon. Maybe Alaska. North Pole. South Pole."

When asked if he really knew anything about subterranean aliens Hardon adamantly replied:

"I do know one thing. They are a threat to democracy."

I asked how.

"Things I don't like are a threat to democracy. That's just how the cookie crumbles. McCarthy didn't like commies...threat to democracy. Bush hates Iraqis...threat to democracy. Anything we don't like is a threat to democracy!"