Review of "In Dreams"
Every once in a great while I'll pick up an author that I've never heard of and it turns out well.
Sara Gran is a fine example. I was blown away with "Come Closer".
When this happens I get on a kick of reading authors unknown to me. Sometimes it works out well; sometimes badly. In the instance it was mediocre.

Shane Christopher's "In Dreams" is a good example of this.
The back teases us with promises of something akin to "going down the rabbit hole". However, what we get is a walk past the hole on our way to grandma's house to eat stale cookies.
From the prologue to the last word, this book is a practice in mediocrity. The langauge used in the book for narrations is elementary. "And then the man finally said some words.". The pacing was spotty at best. 90 to nothing one minute then crawling at a snail's pace the next.
I felt, at times, the author was trying more for word count than quality. What could have been said in a few paragraphs, is expounded upon for pages. For what? That's the biggest mystery of the book.
All in all it was a fairly disappointing and medicore read. Hence the fairly disappointing and mediocre review.
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