All kinds of Bigfoot Fun.

That's right. It's a compilation of stories that will redefine the way readers view everyone's favorite hairy biped.
S.D. Hintz and Jerrod Balzer(with the man stuck in parenthesis Mark Mclaughlin) weave tales to shock, horrify and make people laugh.
By the end of the first story I wondered what I had gotten myself into. By the end of the second story I felt dirty. By the last page I was looking at nightmares for weeks to come.
Don't get me wrong. This book is well written. The character's personalities range from comedic to empathetic to despicable. The stories are just as varied as the people in them. Every one of them is enjoyable even if they are a bit...different.
It's a quick read(70 pgs.) so you'll be able to sit down and read straight through...if you dare.
The authors are talented, competent writers with a grasp for what will hold a readers attention. They also know what will repulse people to just the right degree. They are all strong writers. They may have severe issues they need to have settled but they're strong writers nonetheless.
So, venture over to the wooded area of the net called Skullvines and pick up a copy. You wont regret it. Just beware of tall, hairy guys with Polaroid cameras.
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